
I convinced myself to get up this morning, even though I REALLY didn’t want to.  I took a break from the Shred over the weekend and my bed was very comfortable this morning.  I guess my brain was still half asleep this morning when I pressed “play” because I decided to do level 2.  It wasn’t as bad as I thought, but still quite hard.  I feel like a got a better workout this morning.  Not saying that the other ones weren’t good, but in level 2 there is more constant movement of the whole body instead of just working arms or legs at one time. 

I am now doing the Shred solo as Sean quit on me.  Have a good week, everyone!

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I woke up on my own this morning since Sean was at work.  I deserve a big high-five for that because I wasn’t sure that I would be motivated enough to do it alone.  The workout today was the easiest and I am less sore than I have been for the last couple of days.  I guess my muscles finally surrendered to the large quantities of Perform that I was putting on them.  I even caught myself wondering at what point I move up to level two.  Whoa.  

I had planned on writing a little more, but I hear a little girl who is going on less than a 30 minute nap today chattering to herself in her crib.  Guess a nap isn’t in her plans for today.

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Just Once!

Only able to ride the bike one time today as Mom and I have something this evening. But I must say my hip has felt better today than it has all year! Might be a combination of twice daily bike rides and being consistent with Reliv (more Arthafect) and ibuprofen. Whatever it is, I’m gonna keep doing it! Bike twice tomorrow for sure!

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I am home for lunch, but today it isn’t just a lunch break.  It is a lunch/ibuprofen/Perform pain relieving gel break.  Sean and I did the Shred this morning.  I think Sean is feeling the pain also as he wanted to put Perform on his leg BEFORE he got into the shower this morning.  There was a little more ill will directed at Jillian this morning, but we both made it though.  More to come tomorrow!

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Didn’t want to……….

But i did…….rode the bike twice again today…..30 minutes each time, 11 miles. Also did some leg excercises this morning. Gonna try to keep it up. And hope everyone else keeps it up too!

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I began the Shred this morning with a slight disadvantage.  I woke up sore and thinking that I probably shouldn’t have skipped the stretching yesterday.  Oh well, I am sure that I am going to wake up much more sore tomorrow. 

Last night I convinced Sean that he should so the Shred with me and he, like a fool, agreed.  We got out of bed at 5:20 this morning and began out workout.  Five minutes in Sean sounded like he was going to quit because he says he doesn’t move like that.  I pointed out that he used to be an aerobics king back in the day and all he needed to do was keep moving and he did.  We both finished and hopefully he will workout with me again tomorrow.  Over all it was a good workout.  I didn’t feel the need to cuss at Jillian at all today, though I am sure there will plenty of that in days to come.

Time to go take my Tylenol and get ready for the day.

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Way to go, Maria and Angela!

Way to go, Maria and Angela! You got it done today! Keep it up! And I got it done today, too! Rode the bike twice today for a total of 60 minutes (30 minutes each time), and at a higher resistance level than in the past! But boy, I sure wanted to quit after about 10 minutes this evening! But I kept thinking of you guys! Gonna try to keep it up and you guys keep it up, too! Way to go, Maria and Angela! Do it again tomorrow!

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Massage – check. Workout – check.

I did it. I went to the gym today for the first time in weeks. While it wasn’t my most intense workout ever, it was a workout and I was there. I walked for 30 minutes at an incline thanks to the humor of the Ellen show. If I could go at noon everyday…I could actually work out for an extended period of time. Perhaps I should do that…anywho, still working on the diet thing. The holiday season gives me more of a sweet tooth than I ever have…thanks, Mom :) Tomorrow I am hopefully working overtime during that day and it is unlikely that I will workout after, but perhaps with a few prayers I could make it. Later gators.

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I just finished my workout, even though I woke up later than planned.  I did the cardio on Power 90, but skipped the stretches and power yoga in the interest of time.  As I was working out I decided that tomorrow I am going to start the 30 Day Shred and will blog about it each day.  It will be a good way to make it through the holiday season with a workout that I can do in less than 30 minutes at home.  I have started the Shred before, but quit after day five when I woke up at 4:30 in the morning aching down to my bones.  It is a hard workout.  This time I will make sure to take a pain reliever each night.  Anyone want to join me?  I will send a bottle of Tylenol to whoever will commit with me!

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We Can Do It!

We all need to encourage each other so I like Angela’s idea about posting something daily! Maria and Angela’s posts today encouraged me, so I rode the bike twice today for a total of 8 miles. I also did some other strengthening excercises, too. I’m going to try to ride twice a day and other excercises, tehn post whether or not I accomplished it. I made an appointment today with Dr. Champine for December 22nd, and I’m going to work hard between now and then to try to strengthen my hip. The excercise will do me good, too! So let’s all stick with it…….we can all do it!

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